Can you count to 17?

Feb 11, 2022

There’s a theory, that if you can hold a happy thought for 17 seconds you can rewire your brain to improve your mindset, increase happiness and success, have higher energy and productivity, better retention and stay focused on your goals.

By challenging yourself to imagine good things for at least 17 seconds, you are stopping pessimistic thoughts getting in your way. You stay happy and optimistic rather than allowing fears and regrets to infiltrate your mind. You’ll see the possibilities available to you, believe in yourself and experience the motivation to achieve your goals.

When you think a positive feeling thought for just 17 seconds, it attracts a similar positive feeling thought to it. If you hold those thoughts for a further 17 seconds, again, more like minded positive thoughts will flow to you.

Did you know that the first thoughts you have in the morning can impact your whole day? What are your thoughts for the first 17 seconds of the day? Positive or negative? Have you noticed that if you didn’t sleep well, wake up tired, or aren’t particularly keen for the day ahead, you end up struggling to think positive thoughts? 

Let’s face it, we all have days where we get out of bed on the wrong side. These moments take hold and can steal our passion, energy and vision. It’s much easier to hold a bad mood than shift our mindset to a positive one. This is why it’s so important to start the practice of changing your thoughts into positive ones. This is why it’s so important to start the practice of changing your thoughts into positive ones. You can shift your mind and your mood in just 17 seconds!

The more we become aware of our thoughts, the faster we can change them, and make it easier for each moment to be positive.

There are a number of ways to increase your positive thoughts. You can also get the same results by visualising your goals several times a day.

Throughout the day, stop what you’re doing and visualise, with as much intensity as possible, the strong, positive emotion associated with achieving your dream life. It only takes 17 seconds, a few times a day to change our mindset and live the life of our dreams.