Dreams do come true

Feb 01, 2023

Whether or not you're spiritual or religious, you’ve been relying on faith your whole life!  Faith is an important element to our success. It’s how we believe the Universe is working for us, explain the unexplainable, and trust in the unknown.

Faith is a crucial element in every part of our existence and in every success in our life. Faith is how we explain to our hearts what is unexplainable to our minds. Faith is our trust in the unknown. Faith is how we persevere in our darkest moments.

Now let’s instill the faith to believe that we never have to fear anything again.

  • List 3 dreams that have already come true.
  • List 2 future dreams you want to see happen. These can be small, near future dreams
  • List 1 big dream

Now we are going to super charge our dreams with love and gratitude:

Download the worksheet here

Take your first (previous) dream that’s already come true and write it in position one of the worksheet.

  • I’m so grateful and thankful that…. came true. (see *** below)

Then, take one of your future dreams and write it in position 2.

  • I’m so in love with the idea that … will occur soon

Continue with your other realised dreams in positions 3 and 5. 

  • I’m so grateful and thankful that…. came true.

Write your second future dream in position 4. 

  • I’m so in love with the idea that … will occur soon

Your big desire will be written in position 6.

  • Based on my previous experiences, I have 100% faith that soon my heart will be filled with love and joy when I am...

*** This creates an imprint for your mind and heart to know that you’ve already accomplished so many things in your life. By appreciating and acknowledging it and then following it up with a future dream, it’s an easy distance for your brain to travel - you start to develop a deeper sense of faith.

Creating an intention for yourself - so if different words feel better - the important thing is that you want to acknowledge your gratitude and thanks for what you’ve already done and also, how much love you're going to feel when the next thing happens. You've already done the work in your life, you've proven to yourself that everything is possible - take the evidence and post it somewhere where you can see it on a regular basis.  It doesn't matter where - just somewhere where you'll see it and create the energy.

Remember, to see our goals and dreams manifest, we need to feel the emotions of what it will be like to see them come true.  When writing out your already realised dreams, stop and remember the feeling you had when achieving that dream.  Now, take that emotion then imagine how you will feel when your future goals are achieved.  Sit with it and really get into the emotions. Close your eyes and picture the sights, sounds, smells, and focus on how you feel.

To really set your intentions, start achieving your dreams and consciously create the life you want , I highly recommend enrolling in my coaching program,

"Live a Life You Love".

Together, we can find a way to navigate your next "adventure" where you can live the life of your dreams.

Join me and together we’ll work out what you want to achieve, create a plan and the steps to take you there. We’ll tackle the obstacles and develop your mindset toolkit to see you achieve your dreams, visions and desires.

Book a coffee catch up and let's work on creating a life you don't need a holiday from.