Are You Living The Life You Imagined?

Nov 02, 2022

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."

David Henry Thoreau

We want the best for our children. We want them to live amazing lives and have everything they dream of. We want them to attend great schools and universities, and then move into great jobs that provide them with a happy and secure life. We want them to be successful and happy, maybe finding the love of their lives and providing us with the next generation to love and wish upon the same.

There’s nothing wrong with this.

But is it our dream or theirs?

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? As a small child what did you dream of doing with your life as an adult? Are you doing that now? If not, why not?

There are many reasons why we might not be doing the things we dreamed of when we were kids. I bet some answers may include: “you can’t all be princesses or fly to the moon; there’s no money to be made in art or music; I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, talented enough; or, I changed my mind as I grew up.”

If we break each of these down - Mary from Tasmania became a princess; Andy from Adelaide flew into space; Queenslander Margaret Olley was estimated to have a net worth of $12mil when she passed; and I can list a multitude of Australian musicians that have made money from their talent. Just as these lists can go on and on, so can the list of people doing exactly what they dreamed of doing whether that be teaching, medicine, retail, hospitality, or painting pictures on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, the list of people not doing what they dreamed of doing is also just as long.

Who says you aren’t good enough, smart enough, talented enough? Why do we rely on the opinion of others for our own worth? Why do we express our opinion on whether our children’s dreams are good enough, whether they are talented enough, or whether or not they are going to make enough money?

These opinions are based on our beliefs—your views and opinions that you have chosen to accept as your “truth” over time, often passed down from parents, teachers, and community expectations. These beliefs are stored in our subconscious minds and once formed, are rarely questioned, or thought anymore about. These beliefs shape your thoughts, and your thoughts shape your life experiences, guiding us through life.  

Self-limiting beliefs are the assumptions or perceptions we have about ourselves and about the way the world works. They are ‘self-limiting’ because they hold us back from achieving what we are capable of. They become our reality, influencing our identity, and creating our future. Henry Ford said it correctly in his quote, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”

We rarely question these beliefs.  

So, what beliefs have our children got around their opportunities for success? What self-limiting beliefs have our children inherited or learnt?

As our children finish high school and university, let us encourage them to live the life they dream of. Let us support them in seeking the infinite possibilities available to them and reaching for the stars. Let us check on our own limiting beliefs and seek our full potential also.

We can have and do anything we desire. Our “Thoughts Become Things”. What you think about, you bring about. So, if you believe you can achieve something in life, you will take the steps and you will achieve it. 

You have the power.

Change your thoughts, change your life.

Want to know what's possible? Want to start living a life you dreamed of? Let's catch up today or check out my workshop - Live the Life Of Your Dreams -