Top tips for maintaining a great mindset this Christmas

Nov 28, 2022

Holidays can be fun but also stressful. If you give yourself the permission to take care of your own needs, set an example of self care, and utilise these mindset suggestions, you can make Christmas a wonderful time.

I, for one, love Christmas. It’s one of my favourite times of the year. It’s a time of celebration, of fun, of sharing and of retrospection as the year comes to an end and we plan for the new one ahead.  

Taking the time to be grateful for the things we have and reflecting on the successes the children and I have achieved throughout the year brings me great joy.

For some, it isn’t so jolly. Many people are without family and loved ones and this time can highlight the loneliness and sadness they feel. It can be a stressful time for others, trying to find those extra dollars for the gifts and festivities, having to put up with the mother-in-law who's visiting for three weeks, or also reflecting on the year and wondering why things didn’t go as well as they planned.

Holidays can be fun but also stressful. If you give yourself the permission to take care of your own needs, set an example of self care, and utilise these mindset suggestions, you can make Christmas a wonderful time.


Having a plan and creating a routine can help you feel safe and less stressed. It is a busy time of year and we often get pulled into things at the last minute. We start eating and drinking more, we get less sleep and down time. Our gut health reflects in our thoughts and feelings and can become messed up if we don’t make the best decisions for ourselves. Having a plan can mitigate this and allows us to manage and support ourselves.


Consider what type of connection is healthy for you. Focus on the people who bring positivity and encouragement and say NO to the rest.

Choose to connect with those who you love and who give love back in return. 

Choose to detach with love. We’ve all got that Christmas story where our great aunt offended our cousin’s new boyfriend, or offended our mother’s cooking (in jest she said!). Christmas time brings together many personalities, some who wouldn’t connect at other times. We get easily offended by the things said in jest. This Christmas, respond - don’t react. Choose not to let the words have power over you. Instead, send them love and excuse yourself from the situation if necessary.

Extroverts love parties and socialising at this time of year whereas the introvert may choose to go to fewer parties and meet up with one or two people in less party focused settings. Plan your participation around WHAT makes you feel comfortable and not what you think is expected.

Love yourself

“What is the kindest, most loving thing I can do for myself at this moment?”

Place a hand over your heart, close your eyes and take a deep breath when you say this. Use it in times of stress and anxiety – Pause and take a moment to work out what you need to do at any given moment. This is a great way of practising self-care and self-compassion.

Exit stage left

When you feel like you’ve reached your limit and have maxed out on the festive season events, bow out gracefully. Give yourself the gift of knowing when you’ve had enough and exit.

Relax and Reflect

Away from all the festivities, take time to relax and reflect. We all need time to unwind in order to process events, feelings, and thoughts. In your planning, allow time to be still and cultivate reflection. Some suggestions include meditation and journaling, not only on what is happening currently but also as a time of reflection on the year you've had, lessons learnt and dreams for the future.

Gratitude and Appreciation

Continue your attitude of gratitude throughout Christmas and into the New Year. Practising gratitude changes your mindset from one of fear to one of abundance.

Laugh, Sing, and be Merry

Finally, enjoy the season for what it is. Celebrate, sing, dance and be merry!

Take care of yourself so you can truly enjoy the holidays. Say “no” when you need to focus on your mindset. Your thoughts become things, so make sure you’re focusing on the good ones.

If you want to get 2023 off to a great start and learn more about creating a healthy mindset, changing your beliefs and thoughts and living your life to its full potential, check out my “Live a Life you Love workshop or book in a complimentary coffee catchup coaching session.