Writing the Script for The Life of Your Dreams

Mar 18, 2022

Have you heard the term “positive life script”? In mindset and coaching, you are often set the task of writing your life script. But what is it?

Each of us has a set of beliefs and ideas about ourselves. These beliefs are based on our experiences throughout our lives and how we think and feel about them. Starting in childhood, we create stories about our lives, what they have been and what they will become. They are shaped by parents and family members, who had their own scripts defined by their parents and so on. They are also often influenced by cultural and societal relationships. We seldom realise where they come from or even do not know that they exist at all.

They work in our unconscious, influencing the decisions we make and the thoughts we have about what we can and can’t do in life. They shape our self image. There are simple life scripts such as “I am a loser”, “I can’t lose weight” or “I can’t run a marathon”. They can also be very detailed.  

Many people think that their life script is unchangeable, thinking “I can’t change, this is who I am”. However, your life script is changeable. Sometimes we can do it naturally, other times we need to learn how to edit it.

Life scripts can be very empowering but they can also severely impede our lives.

Thoughts become things! So you’ve got to write a script that inspires you to dream big AND still believe that it’s possible for you to achieve. Because if you don’t believe it, you won’t expect it and that will keep your desire from moving toward you.

Don’t let the dramas of the outside world, your past failures, or even your successes define or limit you. 

Decide what, exactly, you want your future to look like. How do you want your days to go? Who do you want to be spending time with? Where will you live? How much money will you make? How healthy will you be?  

Remember, this is your life. If you want a life with more excitement, awesome relationships, a successful business, write it into your script.

How to write your self image script:

  • write your story in the present tense, as if it’s happening NOW.
  • Create a positive and inspiring vision of your future. Talk about the things you want MOST in each area of your life—physical body, business or career, finances, relationships, intellect, spiritual connections.
  • Engage all your senses and include as much detail as possible about where you are, what you look like, who you’re with, what you do, your financial situation…everything. Make sure to capture the emotions around what it will feel like when these things are occurring.
  • See and feel yourself living in accordance with this script that is written especially for you, by you. The more you feel it, the more real it becomes, and the more powerfully you are attracting it.

Review your script each day. Writing your life script is not something you do once and forget about it. You should read it every day, and refine it as necessary to keep you excited by the prospects of it occurring.

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